26.    Use a “Voice to Text” App in your mobile phone– How many times has it happened that you suddenly think of a brilliant idea when you are not in a position to jot it down? These “Voice to Text” mobile apps are a boon in these situations.

27.    Subscribe to newsletters of your competitors– This doesn’t mean you copy their topics; use them to gain an in-sight into what your competitors are talking about, and whether you are on the right track with regard to choice of topics, writing style, subject matter etc.

28.    Merge two unrelated subjects. Though I’ve never tried it, it’s a trend that’s becoming increasingly popular these days! For instance, you could combine the subject of translation and SEO to write on something like, “Will Translating your website affect your SEO?”

29.    Challenge common assumptions– It is a sure shot way of attracting attention. Take an example of one of the most over-used statements on the internet today-“Content is King”, if you can even attempt to challenge the assumption with a write-up, “Why Content is not the King”, people will rush to read your article.

30.    Center your blog on a current event– Is there anything interesting happening in your business community- a conference, an expo or a new book. Inform your readers about it, and also give your personal in-sights.

31.    Write about an interview with a niche expert– This takes a little more effort. Make effective use of social media to establish a rapport with your niche experts, and thereon, try to interview them.

32.    Use screen shots– These go a long way in enhancing the effectiveness of guides, “How to” articles and step by step descriptions.

33.    Upcoming events: Find out the upcoming events relevant to your niche, be it local, national or international. Write an informative blog about the same.

34.    Simplify complicated topics: Quite often, beginners to a particular topic are looking for clear, simple and precise information on it for proper understanding. Such readers get repulsed if you use too many technical jargons. Attempt to write “A Layman’s Guide to” or “Understanding XYZ in simple English” type of articles.

35.    Training Based Write-Ups: Devise a Training Module for a particular aspect of your business. Instead of writing a general guide, give it the format of a proper, scientifically structured training module. Preferably create a downloadable version. For example “Elementary Training Module for Simultaneous Interpretation.” You can even make money from it.

36.    “Before” and “After” scenarios: Showcase a specific process or infrastructural improvement that has been actioned in your workplace, or something remarkable that you actioned for a client, with attractive “before” and “after” pictures.

37.    Check the Twitter Feed that displays conversations between your fans. The types of blogs they generally exchange will give you a fair in-sight on what and how to write.

38.    History: Trace the historical aspects pertaining to your area if interest. Collect relevant and significant historical facts about your niche, to create an engaging write-up for your readers.

39.    Collate news: Track the latest news reports pertaining to your field and provide you readers with a weekly round-up of the same. Add interesting in-sights to make it more appealing.

40.    Share a personal experience: See how you can relate some past experience with your current areas of interest and create an article that invokes interest. Write an article about the challenges that you face in your profession, and how you deal with them. Similarly, share lessons you have learn; is there something you’ve leant from your past professional experience? Pen it down for your readers.

41.    Yahoo Answers: Though the accuracy of the answers provided is not always up to the mark, you can get wonderful in-sights and opinions here to frame a new article.

42.    Compile original and relevant statistics on a topic from reliable sources, analyze them and write about your inferences and conclusions.

43.    Review tools or apps pertaining to your niche: Reviews are always a great way of generating sizeable traffic. End-users are always on the lookout for good reviews.

44.    Crisis Management articles– These “What to do when…” types of articles are highly appreciated by readers who are frantically seeking helpful suggestions during an ongoing crisis.

45.    Timeline-based articles like “A 5-minute guide to” or achieving a feat in 2 minutes immediately capture the attention of readers. An excellent example: “Choose your e-commerce platform in just 5 minutes.”

46.    Go through mails and documents that are over a year old. Scan through to find areas that you can fragment, reshape or recycle.

47.    Break up older webinars, white papers, e-books etc into short posts. Try to curate relevant areas to create a new write-up.

48.    Interview employees: Write a blog post on the experiences of your employees or colleagues, or simply a write up like “5 Reasons why our Employees love us”.

49.    Monitor the key influencers in your niche. What topics have they recently written about? You can improvise on their original ideas and in-sights to develop brilliant content.

50.    Be controversial- There is nothing like a good controversy to engage and entertain people. Not always, but once in a while, try to incorporate a dash of controversy into your blog, and see how it works. Example of a mildly controversial topic- “Why E-Mail Marketing sucks.”

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