Things You Should Know About Website Design That Turn Visitors Into Customers

Things You Should Know About Website Design That Turn Visitors Into Customers

If you run a business then you know that having an online web presence is vital for the survival of your business. One of the best ways to establish your online presence is by creating a good website. Through a website, businesses can cost-effectively attract customers to their product and services. However, many marketers tend to focus more on SEO and other aspects which focus on growing their website visitors and forget website design which has a great influence in conversion. While watching your website visitor’s number grow day by day is pretty encouraging, it doesn’t benefit you when none of them turn into a customer. According to recent research from Stanford University, about 46 percent of all internet users say that a website’s design is their top criteria in deciding whether a company is credible. This means that your website design can either make or break your conversion rates. So what can you do to get people to stay more on your website and convert into a sale? There are a number of website design principles that can help you achieve this. To help you boost your conversion rates, here are 10 things you should know about website design that turn visitors into customers.

1. A Responsive Web Design

Poor navigation features on a website are one of the major reasons for increased bounce rates. When your website’s bounce rate is high, it affects your website rankings and eventually the number of visitors to your website. To save you from all that, consider using a responsive web design which offers user-friendly navigation regardless of the device used. Doing this prevents your AMP Pages from taking longer to load and losing your potential customers.

2. Effective Call-to-Action Buttons

By now you the importance of having a Call-to-action button on your website. However, you still need to make it compelling and specific to the product or service you are offering your visitors. Your choice of color, shape, size, and text will greatly influence the effectiveness of your CTAS. In addition, you can incorporate various social media buttons which will help your website build an online presence. The more you build your online presence, the higher the chances of your visitors turning into customers.

3. Emotional Design To Motivate Users

One of the best ways to grab the attention of your website visitors using your web design is by using emotional design. This is the placing of emotionally boosted elements like faces of real people on your websites landing page to try and influence how your visitors feel about something. For example, you can put an image of someone looking at your CTA or headline which will make your visitors more likely to look at it too.

4. Employing The F-Layout

Studies have found that while browsing, most people tend to read the computer or mobile screen in an ’F’’ pattern. They look from left to right at the top of the screen and proceed to scan the page downwards as they make small forays into the content. What this means is that the area at the bottom right of the page gets the least amount of visibility. So how can you take advantage of this to boost your conversions? You can do this by placing important objects like calls-to-action along the F-shape lines and those ones that are less important in the lower visibility areas. This will make the user stick around for long.

5. Advantages Of color And Contrast

Color and contrast are two things that will make any website stand out from the rest. Although the two are usually underrated, they play a very important role in conveying the overall meaning and mood of your website and brand. A good choice of colors and contrast will help you keep all the text, headlines, and CTA buttons noticeable and readable.

6. Leaving Plenty Of White Space Between The Elements

White space, also referred to as negative space, is what gives your website elements the room to breathe visually. When the items on your website are grouped too close together, you will risk overwhelming your website visitors. Therefore, when you are designing your website, use margins and padding to ensure plenty of space between images and other elements. While white space is very important, never leave too much whitespace between elements as it can create a sense of disconnect.

7. Reducing The Number Of Choices

According to Hick’s Law, when you increase the number of options that you are offering someone, the time they take to make a decision will also increase. Therefore, instead of presenting to your website visitors with a large number of products or services on your homepage, it is advisable to put a single one.

8. Using Compressed Images

Although the ideal website loading time is normally 3 seconds according to MachMetrics, most websites tend to load much slower than this. Unfortunately, most people have very low attention spans and cannot wait longer. For you to turn many visitors into customers, you need to find ways to reduce your web pages load times. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is by using only high-quality images and compressing them after uploading.

9. Have Breadcrumbs

It is important to have a website design that clearly guides your visitors to all the pages, actions, and information that they need. Your website is like a map with lots of disparate destinations and your visitors can land on any destination. However, no matter where they arrive, they should be able to know where they are. This is where Breadcrumbs come in. Breadcrumbs will tell the visitor where the web page they are currently on falls in the website’s navigation. They are very useful especially when you have an e-commerce website with hundreds of categories that can get a visitor lost easily.

10. Grouped Similar Elements

According to the Law of Similarity, when we view something like a website we tend to group similar objects automatically in our minds. This principle can also be used in a website design to boost conversions. For instance, you can group your websites CTA and testimonial together on a landing page. After reading the testimonial, your website visitor will be more willing to click the CTA.


The key to turning as many website visitors into customers is understanding their navigation process and committing to a routine of testing and improvement. While these 10 website design principles might seem obvious, the results will be more leads generated and a massive boost in the conversion rate of your website.


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Photo by Daria Shevtsova